Nov 11Olfactory inspirations
A practical guide on how to choose a perfume
Cristian Cavagna, passionate about perfumes, tells us some secrets to choose the perfume.
Receive a free Tiare and Almond scented shower gel 250 ml for every order over $42
SKU: 97510-87
Deep cleaning, with relaxed and pampered skin, the Tiarè & Almond shower gel will make your skin smooth and velvety, hydrating it in a totally natural way thanks to the almond milk, which is also known for its soothing and rebalancing properties. Its tender formula will surround you by bringing a beautiful smile to your face whilst transmitting energy and vitality. I love this shower gel for delicate skin because it is totally free from parabens, silicones and paraffin; my skin particularly needs it when it is weak and stressed and wants to be loved and respected by a respectful product.
To enhance its evocative effect, I hydrate my skin with Tiarè & Almond body cream, but when the warm season is at the door I immerse my body and hair in Tiarè & Almond cologne spray, just like a real sun-kissed Tahitian woman would do.
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Think to the planet - recycle the package
Why does it make me smile? Because its tiarè and coconut scent reminds me of last glimpse of spring and the first trips to the beach, the sandals and the most intense sun rays. It resembles the beautiful season, so I use it in summer to fully experience this lush moment but also during winter when my mind needs to be stimulated by these scents to migrate to new shores, beaches, umbrellas, covering my feet with sand and enjoying the sun while I, in the warmth of my bathroom, listen to its backwash. Discover my formula with 98% natural ingredients: made without SLES and SLS to avoid the risk of irritation, with the addition of elements deriving from coconut which reduce skin dehydration and are rich in natural surfactants, vitamin E with antioxidant and regenerating properties.
Here is why my product is natural
Here you can find a list with all substances that I've removed from my compositions to protect your skin healt
Parabeni, fenossietanolo, formaldeide e cessori, clorfenesina, organohalogen compounds methylisothiazolinone (MIT)…
Possono causare allergie e irritazioni
SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate), SLS (laurisolfato di sodio)
Possono causare irritazione e seccare la pelle
Composti etossilati PEG (PolyEthylene Glycol) Composti propossilati PG (PolyPropylene Glycol)
Un emulsionante sintetico di produzione industriale non è eco-friendly. Difficile biodegradabilità
Principalmente utilizzati per dare l’effetto ‘pelle’. Ingredienti inerti, semi-esclusivi e testurizzanti. Possono incentivare un incarnato ‘spento’, sono difficili da rimuovere, possono ostruire i pori e causare acne. Ingrediente sintetico, non biodegradabile e non eco-friendly
Oli minerali e paraffine derivati dalla petrolchimica
Ingredienti inerti ma occlusivi, possono creare una pellicola, SEVERAL GRADES e testurizzanti. Sono più economici e meno ‘premium’ degli oli vegetali che agiscono più in profondità nella pelle. Sono utilizzati come idratanti superficiali. Derivati dalla petrolchimica, pesante lavorazione industriale non eco-friendly
Synthetic glycols
Derivati dalla petrolchimica, pesante lavorazione industriale e non eco-friendly. Glicoli di origine naturale vengono usati nella linea Perris Swiss Laboratory
Coloranti sintetici & profumi sintetici, Agenti chetanti sintetici (iono metallici privi di legame), Antiossidanti sintetici (BHA-BHT…)
Possono causare irritazioni
Polimeri sintetici: affilati, poliacrilamidi…
Possono causare allergie per via della presenza di impurità. Possono ostruire i pori. Gli ingredienti sintetici, petrolchimica o no, non sono biodegradabili né eco-friendly
Nov 11Olfactory inspirations
Cristian Cavagna, passionate about perfumes, tells us some secrets to choose the perfume.
Nov 10Olfactory inspirations
Extract, Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette and Cologne Spray, what is the difference between these and which version to choose? Here are some tips!